Friday, September 19, 2008

This Seems To Be The Week Of Oversharing

“To be my man, you have to put up with a lot,” said the singer. “I toot under the sheets, I spend a lot of money and I can belch the ABC’s.”
You are in NY and Tony isn’t. Will you speak with him tonight?We fall asleep together every night - I put the phone on my pillow. We will pray together tonight. (

Does this bitch EVER shutup? You fart in bed? Fantastic Jessica. You can belch the ABC's? I'm just happy she knows there's an alphabet.
"I put the phone on my pillow. We will pray together tonight." What are you 15? I'm sorry but at this point even Jesus is annoyed by you and Tony. Your prayers would be better served if you at least tried doing that on your own.

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