Monday, November 30, 2009

Tiger? Why? What Happened?

There’s so much reporting and gossip about the whole Tiger Woods situation, it merits yet another post. To catch up: the Enquirer reported Tiger had an affair with Rachel Uchitel, a New York events planner/party girl/professional starf-cker. (
Supposedly the story goes Tiger got busted cheating in The Nordic Prom Queen. She loses it, he gets in his car and she breaks the back window with one of his won golf clubs. Isn't that ironic? The white chick got ghetto on the black guy with on one of his golf clubs. Come on, that's funny.
Then they tell the police "No, no she was saving me after I hit the fire hydrant." Really? I fell for it for about 20 minutes because of that picture I posted. 
So, this is the deal. That chick is a skank and I don't think Tiger is that dumb.
If this is true, I hope it was worth it.

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